Do you see see the world as a place where people are suppose to live to serve or make much of you, or do you see it as an opportunity to give your life as a sacrifice for their souls to become right with the one who is longing for their heart?

Today I had a realization as I do most days and that is that I am more about being discovered than sacrificing my life for the sake of even my worst enemy!  See I lost sight of the purpose of my life when I thought my actions became my righteousness rather than the sacrifice of my heart for someone who never knew or has ever heard of the GRACE of our Savior.

I heard this the other day and I felt like it has reigned true in my life in this example, “Right action, without the right heart is worthless to God because it lacks joy and worship!”  See the day we think our actions are good enough is the very day that we have given the devil a foothold in our lives for pride to raise up its ugly head and rule our hearts.

Read this today and thought I would share: “Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.” Proverbs 18:12

I think that verse as well as this one speaks for itself on where I go wrong so often:

“All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord WEIGHS the heart.” Proverbs 21:2

So what is it going to be, because either way our JUST God is going to weigh our hearts rather than our actions! Do you see the world as an opportunity to sacrificially give of your whole heart in worship of our God or do you see it as an opportunity for yourself to gain fame for only a lifetime?

Remember lives are DATED, but SOULS are ETERNAL!

~ by evanbryant on May 18, 2009.

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