Are We Really Faithful in Prayer?

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Romans 12:12

This has been a verse that has meant a whole lot to me during my life and especially over the past few years.  As I read this verse again today for probably the hundredth time, it hit me a lot more than usual.

Paul writes first on JOY and HOPE.  He says to be joyful in hope, which by definition would seem to mean to experience pure happiness while wishing for something with expectation of its fulfillment.  As believers we must not only wish that God would make His name famous, but we must EXPECT IT TO BE FULFILLED.  This should give us INTENSE HAPPINESS knowing that God will reign now and forevermore.

Secondly, Paul tells us to remain or be PATIENT in AFFLICTION.  This is why I can’t stand hearing the prosperity gospel, because no where in scripture did God say it was going to be peachy for us our whole life.  We aren’t going to get what we want and sometimes we aren’t even going to get what we desire.  This is because we are sinful by nature and many times desire SIN rather than CHRIST.  However, Paul tells us to be PATIENT = ENDURE pain/difficulty knowing that it is for the sake of CHRIST that we live and die.  Life is going to be hard and it is when affliction comes that people see whether the believers that say they believed and HOPED for His fulfillment were really being faithful or just wasting their life pretending.

Finally, Paul tells us to be FAITHFUL in PRAYER.  It is real easy to be FAITHFUL = Remain loyal or true in prayer when we endure affliction, because that is the time we ALL run to Christ, even those who don’t live for him daily.  However, true loyalty and faith in prayer comes when you thank Him both for the good and the evil/affliction in your life.

Do you believe that God is worth hoping for? If not, do you have a relationship with him?  If you don’t please ask someone you know who you think might!

Do you endure affliction? I know it is easier for me to write that then do it, so it is my job to GO DO IT! Endure it for HIM!

Finally, are you faithful to God in prayer in all areas of your life and all seasons? If not, why?

~ by evanbryant on June 6, 2009.

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