Dude that’s not a Horse, that’s a BULL!

So, this may have been one of the craziest nights of my life and I luckily lived to tell about it, so here it goes.  Tonight we had a scavenger hunt for one of my friends birthday parties (Deni!).  We had a couple of hours to go around and take digital pictures of clues given in a list.  Each clue had a certain number of points.  When we got near the end of the clues, one was written in code and I figured out that it meant to find a horse outside of the city and take a picture of it.  Might I add that it was already 11:15pm at night and very dark.  Well, my team and I, drive out into the middle of nowhere and I think I spot a horse way out in a pasture in the pitch black dark night.  Miles (my roommate) and I jump the fence and walk about 300 yards into the pasture with a camera that I was going to take a picture with the horse.  I was leading the walk and as we got closer this object got bigger and bigger until I realized it was not a horse and was probably bigger than your normal sized cow.  About that time (30 yards away) the object gets to its feet and I realize it is a BULLLLLLLL! Miles turns and makes a b-line and I see it stomp and start to jog towards us and at this point without the camera in hand my first instinct was to turn and run with Miles.  All the while I could hear the thing snorting  behind me!  I do believe I might have set a record Usain BOLT couldn’t break! I know this wasn’t funny to read, but if you had been there it felt like the 1st Annual Rock Hill Running of the BULLS!!

I really wanted to add something biblical to this blog, but the only thing I could come up with was not running like a man that runs aimlessly! I am pretty sure the only thing God would have said is, “Evan you are an IDIOT, but thats why I love you”! Haha! Hope all of you get a kick out of the story and remember God calls us to run into pastures in search for horses to find a bull that helps us beat our bodies so that we become slaves to Him, so that we won’t be disqualified from the race! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27…you better believe I got the prize…A great laugh!

~ by evanbryant on February 8, 2009.

One Response to “Dude that’s not a Horse, that’s a BULL!”

  1. E-Money,

    That’s crazy awesome bro, I’m glad you were able to tell the story as well and I’m glad you were able to make a biblical connection…KEEP ON LIVING IT BRO (although i’m not sure you should live it that extremely, haha!!!)

    B Nice

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