FREEDOM or Death?

Two days ago I was eating in the cafe and looking around and observing everything around me, like I usually do when I am eating with no one and I saw I guy wearing a shirt that had the following statement on the back:


I started thinking about those two words and how ironic that they were given as choices.  Not only how ironic they were given as choices, but the ONLY choices.  I started to think about that biblically and how THAT choice will be the most important one ever made in any ones life.

Paul writes in Galatians, to the church of Galatia, an apologetic that defends his position as an apostle and the Gentiles, who were not circumcised and did not follow the law to legalism, as Christians – Christ Followers.   It is by grace through faith alone that people are justified, and it is by faith alone that they are to live out their new life in the FREEDOM of Christ.  He writes the following in Galatians 5:1:

“It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

Meaning:  Christ died to set us free from the law or the old covenant, because we could not satisfy it.  We were imperfect people living by laws that required perfection.  We couldn’t carry the burden of being perfect, because we started imperfect.

He writes in the book of Romans 6;22-23 however this:

“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

So you have one of two choices: You can go on sinning and choose DEATH or you can receive CHRIST as a pardon for where you could not be perfect and you can live in FREEDOM from bondage….What is your choice?

Christ died so that you could be set free and love HIM enough to give your life for HIS sake and that is for HIS name to become famous!

Prayer: God I pray that we would stop making the choice of death when you have already chosen that and carried it out in your life before you rose from it to give us the life of FREEDOM.  God I pray that we would see that there is no in between.  We have to make one choice or the other.  We can’t sit on the OR fence and think that we will be “GOOD ENOUGH” to make it in your kingdom for eternal life.  Lord, change our hearts to be more like you and praise you for the choice of FREEDOM you give to us!  ONE LOVE, amen.

~ by evanbryant on February 13, 2009.

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